Yes, it’s that time of year again when the Commish gets woken with air horns, prodded out of bed with sharp sticks, and led to the computer with the scent of pop-tarts so he can check countless forgotten email accounts and text messages asking ‘When is the draft ?’, ‘Where is the Keeper List ?’, ‘Are you still alive ?’, etc…
I am alive, and have been working sleepless nights learning more css, php, rss, mysql, and other silly acronyms than anyone should know, in an attempt to update our home on the internet. This new site will serve as a permanent base of operations and is where TBFL news is likely to be posted before anywhere else. By now the classic web address should be pointing here [crosses fingers]. For those of us that use RSS news readers [and if you don’t – time to learn], be sure to subscribe to the feed by clicking on the pretty
RSS logo in the right sidebar to receive updates as they are posted. The actual weekly processing of transactions, line-ups, and stat tracking will once again be done on the website. Now for some changes…